Blog Post - On Writing: The AM Joy Edition

Hello from your resident Pantser.

Hello from a Writer and Author who doesn’t have everything (anything) figured out.

I’ve listened to so many Writers and Authors speak over the years - on panels, at conferences, in classes, on social media, and one thing that I have noticed is that very few write quite like I do.

Don’t get me wrong - I look at their plans, vision boards, beautifully crafted outlines, book binders and gorgeous aesthetics in awe - but it’s simply not something that works for me.

My number one piece of writing advice,

Write in a way that works for you.

I’ve discovered I am a full-blown Pantser.

Defined: A pantser is a term most commonly applied to fiction writers, especially novelists, who write their stories "by the seat of their pants."

And from one writer to another - It’s ok if you don’t have it all figured out.

You can start writing with a question, with a single character, with a vague premise, with a whisp of an idea.

Often, I start with one character, one half-fleshed setting and a single, gnawing question. In my experience, as long as you. have that singular question that drives you, that gets under your skin, that allows you to keep going, you will find you way.

Whatever path you are meant to take will open up as you type one word after another, as you let one idea flow into the next, as you let your characters speak to you.

If you want to plan every tiny twist and turn, please do.

But if, like me, you find this way of writing entirely stifling, maybe its time you try something different - maybe its time you let your inner panster out.

It feels pretty fucking great to have only a blank page in front of you,

To have nothing but the sprawling possibilties,

To enjoy the pure freedom of creativity at your fingertips.

To me, this kind of writing is the purest form of magic.

Enjoy the bliss of beginnings.

Much Love,




Blog Post - On Writing: A Morning Routine


Blog Post - A Short Introduction